Pleased if you do and pleased if you don’t
Santiam Place is an ongoing project with additional features and upgrades being made continually. We reserve the right to increase our prices and rule changes without prior notice. We reserve the right to refuse rental to anyone.
If your activity is booked and paperwork is signed, the price quoted will be honored.
Please Note: We are not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged items of any guest or renter at this facility. Please consult your homeowners insurance for coverage of losses at your event.
We are not responsible for issues or problems that arise due to non-communication from client.
Decoration Restrictions: No tape or staples on any painted surface. You will find cup hooks in the ceiling in the dining area and in the windows and walls of the Sanctuary. You may use the nails you find in the top molding above the windows and doorways. You may use tape and push pins on the wood moldings. You may decorate the bulletin board as you wish. Confetti and sprinkles are not allowed. Do not throw rice, unless you wish to sweep up afterwards.
Please remove all of your decorations and equipment immediately after your event has ended. Remove any tape, staples, pins you use.
Deliveries: Please try to arrange for deliveries of your items while you are here. We are not always available to open the doors for the vendors and you will be charged for the time that you use the facility.
We do not have a portable outside dance floor. We do not provide any glasses, bartending supplies, servers, babysitters or parking attendants.
Set-up/Clean-up: Include enough time for set up and clean up for your event. You will be charged the time of your set up and clean up. If tables and chairs are used outside, please fold both and place in designated area as needed. Take out trash and put in designated trash cans. Do not bring any household trash and put into trash cans. Break down any cardboard boxes and place beside trash cans. We encourage recycling. Place new garbage bags into cans after emptying. Clean off tablecloths of decorations etc., and place together to be laundered.
Make sure all doors and windows are locked before you leave the building.
Alcohol: Alcoholic beverages are allowed in the facility and back yard areas only. Please clean up any spills on the floors & carpet. No alcohol to be consumed or served on the premises by or to anyone less than 21 years of age. You may provide your own beverages or contract through a licensed bartender or catering service. Mixed drinks are discouraged for larger events, because of the difficulty in controlling consumption and the safety of guests and facility. No open containers are allowed in the parking lot or outside front of the building. Be responsible with alcohol. Have designated drivers.
Illegal Activities: Any illegal activity is not acceptable or tolerated at this facility and police will be notified of any inappropriate or illegal behavior.
Catered Food: Licensed caterers may cater to this building. You may also bring your own food in and/or you may cook for yourself and your guests at this facility. Health Dept. licenses may be required if food is sold to the public. Do not use unlicensed caterers.
Pets and other animals: Pets and animals are not allowed on the premises, unless by special authorization from the facility, or by law. Please leave your pets at home where they are safe and comfortable.
Noise: Please keep the music and other noises down to a reasonable level. This is a mixed residential area and we wish to be good neighbors with everyone.
Breakage and Damage: Breakage of plates and other items do happen. Unfortunately, you will have to pay for replacement costs of $5 per items on dishes. Serving pieces will be more; depending upon what piece that has been broken. Other items will vary in replacement cost, depending upon what it is.
Santiam Place
139 S. Main St.
Lebanon, OR 97355
(541) 259-4255